My extensive and comprehensive knowledge is the fuel for me to keep improving myself, especially in the field of programming, which I love. I will keep learning from the internet on my own or from classes, record notes, and share them here.

30 steps to install Ghost on Ubuntu.
In the past few days, I tried to install Ghost on my server, which is operated by Ubuntu OS. I considered using Hugo, WordPress, and Hexo before, but none of them attract me like Ghost, since Ghost can provide me with a powerful and beautiful private background, which offers me
开发一个完整的程序一直对我有着非常大的吸引力,无论是小程序还是APP,我都希望可以通过自学来独立开发出一个可以正常运行的程序。饭要一口一口吃,路要一步一步走,我决定先从微信小程序入手。小程序的优点在于开发简单,其本质还是开发网页。但缺点也很显著,那就是微信小程序是只能运行于微信生态内的程序,并且有一些特殊的语法和文件也只局限于微信之内。 好消息是我在前段时间发现了一个叫做“uni-app“的前端框架,它是基于Vue.js,但是可以同时将程序发布到IOS,android和各种快应用的框架。我认为它多少能打破小程序自身的局限性。于是我选择使用uni-app作为我开发完整应用的敲门砖。 关于我想…
Vue.js study note
After giving up developing the Wechat mini-program, I decided to learn vue.js as my next mission. The learning method is basically watch the tutorial videos online. And I am going to write what I learn from the video and what do I think about them here. 6/15/2022