After giving up developing the Wechat mini-program, I decided to learn vue.js as my next mission. The learning method is basically watch the tutorial videos online. And I am going to write what I learn from the video and what do I think about them here.
I will use VScode as my code editor, and here are some shortcuts I learned for coding HTML on VScode:
+tab --> pop up the skeleton of html
+ tab --> same as above
makes a restriction about what tags we can use in this file
Inside the <head> tag, there are some significant tags that I should have an awareness of.
: all the default URLs or default targets on this page.
: put the name of this page inside.
: define style information for a single HTML page.
: defines the relationship between the current document and an external resource. most often used to link to external style sheets.
: used to specify the character set, page description, keywords, author of the document, and viewport settings.
: used to define client-side JavaScripts.
attributes of some tags
There are three types of attributes for tags to use:
- attributes (normal)
- global attributes: some global settings of this page
- event attributes: trigger actions in a browser